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Cook Islands Language Week

Epetoma o te Reo Maori is our annual Cook Islands language week. A dedicated time in the year where those around the Pacific commit to the revival, promotion and preservation of our Cook Islands Maori language.


During this week we celebrate the identity, languages, and culture of our country, which helps all who would like to learn an embrace their journey towards knowing their identity as Cook Islanders.


Learning our language gives us insight into new ways of thinking, into different beliefs and cultural practices we may or may not know, but all of which is the very essence of who we are as Cook Islanders.


During this week, traditional leaders within our community and islands partner with Tauranga Vananga to facilitate workshops to deliver programmes in te reo Kuki Airani to enrich not just our language dialects, but our Culture as a whole.


Small programmes are run throughout the week in schools, government, churches, profit and non profit community organizations all for this purpose of reviving, promoting and preserving our language.

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