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Message from the Minister

Kia Orana and a very warm greeting to you all on the occasion of our 56th Constitution Celebrations, Te Maeva Nui 2021.


Turou ’ē Kia Orāna tātou kātoatoa.

Teia tēta’i korero ā tō tātou au ’ui-tupuna   “... ’E rā kurakura teia, kua nakenake mai ...”

Tika rāi, no te mea kua tae ’aka’ōu tātou ki taua tuātau ra o te mata’iti, no te  ’akaepaepa’anga, no te ’akangāteitei’anga, no te ’akama’ara’anga i te tupu’anga o tō tātou basileia ’ē pērā katoa ’oki tō tātou tūranga Māori ’ē tā tātou ’ākono’anga Māori.


I teia mata’iti, nā roto i tā tātou Maeva Nui ’e mea tau kia ngākauparau tātou i te tae’anga tō tātou mata’iti ki te 56(rima nga’uru mā ono) ’e nā tātou rāi tātou e ’akatere.


’Ē nā roto i tā tātou Maeva Nui, te karanga nei  tā tātou tumu-tāpura nui ē ... Te Tama Ua, A te Ui Ariki – Te Evangeria

The recognition of the 200 years of arrival of Christianity to the Cook Islands. So as we go about preparing for Te Maeva Nui this year, may it be a time of reflection as well as celebration how our ancestors accepted Christianity to our environment


We acknowledge all our Sponsors during these times of COVID19 landscape and for being with us to celebrate our growing achievements in building this nation and continue our faith and beliefs in our Lord Jesus to lead our country.

To our Pa Enua community who will also celebrate on their respective island reflecting the same theme and no doubt our ancestors will be resurrected in all forms of cultural events held during this festive period.


With our Christian faith strong and intact, and the preservation of our customary ways, let us together celebrate our Constitution Celebration in the spirit of joyous national pride and celebration.



Hon George Angene

Minister of Cultural Development

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